Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Service Pak 1 Coming Soon

What a joyous day. Lucye is getting better for sure. Only one sneeze (and that was probably from the saline I shoved up her nose)! And, this morning she --for the first time ever--drank from her small Dora plastic cup with a top! She has succeeded before with small Solo plastic bathroom cups, but having her drink from them all day long would not be feasible. She likes to swat at it, which results in many wardrobe changes. This is a real breakthrough for us because she would never put plastic things in her mouth before (besides a bottle)! Funny how life changes what you get excited over.....
While discussing the upcoming day off from work (and no nanny), Robert commented on how hard it might be for me to take care of this "version" completely alone all day long. This version? She is now apparently in the same category as a software package! This means next weekend (her birthday) will be the SP1 version of the B-Lu...
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it...Psalm 118:24

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