Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Crying Game

Ever see this movie from the 80’s about the Irish Republican Army? If so, you are probably asking yourself what on earth this has to do with a picture of Lucye…Nothing…I just liked the title because it was also the title of our life for about a week or so. We finally “did it”…the modified cry out. This picture was taken just a few days before her 18 month doctor visit at the Christian church Pumpkin Patch on Spalding (our annual trip to the Berry Patch Farms didn’t happen because it rained the night before and we didn’t want to get out there in the mud).

Anyway, the doc convinced me that I needed a life after dark (enter your own vampire comment here), and my entire nights shouldn’t be spent rocking the baby to sleep and being her crutch and "soother" all night long either. So we did it. And, amazingly enough…it worked! My family will be thrilled. Cruel as it may sound, it only took a few really tough nights of her crying herself to sleep in the beginning. Now, she goes down in an instant, and I’m free! Why didn’t I do this before? Well, I have no regrets…I loved holding her every night (ok, maybe my back wasn’t so thrilled) and rocking her in the glider until she was fast asleep, and I just wasn’t ready to let go of my precious baby I guess. What do I do with my newly acquired hours you might ask? Sleep, of course!

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